Frequently Asked Questions about RAD Conversions

Will a RAD conversion affect my housing assistance?

You will not lose your housing assistance and you will not be subject to eligibility re-screening as a result of the RAD conversion. You can remain in your unit regardless of your current income. However, your PHA will continue to follow its annual and interim re-examination processes, including re-examination of your income to adjust your rent. These requirements will be in your lease.

In a RAD conversion, your housing assistance will change from being public housing assistance to being Section 8 housing assistance under either the Project Based Voucher (PBV) program or the Project Based Rental Assistance (PBRA) program. The PHA chooses whether to convert the unit to PBV or PBRA.

Will a RAD conversion affect my rent?

Most residents will not have a rent increase as a result of a RAD conversion. However, if you are paying a flat rent in public housing, you will most likely have to pay more in rent over time. If your rent changes by more than 10% and requires you to pay more than $25 per month in additional rent, your new rent will be phased in. If the increase in your rent is less than 10% or $25 per month, the change in rent will be effective immediately.

How can I participate in the RAD planning process?

Prior to participating in RAD, HUD requires PHAs to:

• Notify all residents at the property about their RAD plans, and

• Conduct at least two (2) meetings with residents.

These meetings are an opportunity for you to discuss the proposed conversion plans with your PHA, ask questions, express concerns and provide comments. These meetings are also an opportunity to tell the PHA what you think needs to be repaired at the property. The PHA can then consider that information when developing plans for the property.

The PHA must have at least one more meeting with all residents of the property before HUD approves the final RAD conversion. This additional meeting is another opportunity for the PHA to keep you informed and for you to provide comments about the PHA’s RAD conversion plans.

In addition to these resident meetings, your Resident Advisory Board (RAB) will also be consulted and have an opportunity to make recommendations on your PHA’s RAD conversion plans during the PHA Plan public hearing process.

What if I need accommodations to participate?

Your PHA must make materials available in accessible formats for persons with disabilities and must make meetings accessible for persons with disabilities.

Your PHA must also provide language assistance to persons with limited English proficiency so that you can understand materials, participate in meetings, and provide comments on the proposed RAD conversion. This may include providing written translation of the PHA’s written materials and providing oral interpreters at meetings.

Will I have to move if my home or building is rehabbed?

If the repairs planned at your property are small, you will most likely be able to stay in your home during renovation. If the repairs planned at your property are more extensive, you will most likely need to be relocated during rehabilitation. Even if you are required to move during the construction, you have a right to return to a RAD-assisted unit after construction is completed.

If relocation will last longer than 12 months, you benefit from additional protections as a “displaced person” under the Uniform Relocation Act. In this situation, you will be able to choose between the permanent relocation assistance that you are eligible for under the Uniform Relocation Act and the temporary relocation assistance (including the right to return) that you are eligible for under RAD. This is your choice and the PHA must work with you so you have the information you need to make this choice.

What changes will I see in my lease renewal process?

At the time of the RAD conversion, you will need to sign a new lease. Unless there is good cause for eviction based on your actions, your new lease will continue to renew. Under both the PBV and PBRA programs, a property owner who tries to end your lease must give you notice and grievance rights similar to the rights you have under public housing and the owner must follow state and local eviction laws.

Will RAD affect my rights and participation as a resident in the development?

RAD keeps many of the resident rights available under public housing such as the ability to request an informal hearing and the timeliness of termination notification. You also have a right to organize, and resident organizations will continue to receive up to $25 per occupied unit each year.

Will RAD increase my ability to choose where I live?

In most cases, you will have greater choice in where to live through the RAD “choice mobility option.” This option is available under PBV after living in a RAD property for one (1) year and under PBRA after living in a RAD property for two (2) years. After the required time living in the RAD property after conversion, you may request a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and will have priority on the HCV waiting list when an HCV is available.

Will I still be able to participate in self-sufficiency programs?

The public housing Family-Self-Sufficiency Program (PH FSS) helps families obtain and maintain living wage employment (income that covers a family’s basic needs) by connecting residents to services. If you are a current participant in an FSS program, you will still be able to participate in FSS after the RAD conversion.

If your development converts to PBV, you will be automatically moved from the public housing FSS to the Housing Choice Voucher FSS program if your PHA has a Housing Choice Voucher FSS program. The rules for both public housing and Housing Choice Voucher FSS programs are very similar.

If your development converts to PBRA, you may continue your participation in FSS until your current contract of participation ends. New participants may enroll only if the owner voluntarily establishes an FSS program at the site.

The Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency-Service Coordinators Program (ROSS-SC) program provides public housing residents with coordinators to connect them to supportive services and empowerment activities.

If you are a current participant in the ROSS-SC, you can continue to participate in ROSS-SC until program funding is used up. Once the grant funds are spent, your PHA cannot apply for a new grant for a RAD property.

What if I need more information?

For more information, go to the RAD website,