NHA takes reasonable steps to ensure that persons of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) have meaningful access to the agency’s programs and services. Persons of LEP may request an interpreter for eligibility screenings, grievance and appeals hearings, emergency transfer interviews, recertification appointments, private conferences, residents meetings, and policy hearings. They may also request oral translation (oral summary in native language) of a NHA notice they receive. Written translation of NHA vital documents is available in Spanish or Portuguese. NHA is committed to providing interpreters of any language.

For information on services available for LEP Individuals click here: EnglishSpanishPortuguese.

For more information on NHA’s LEP services, please contact Cynthia Watson at 973-273-6251 or via email at cwatson@newarkha.org.

  • Language Access Vital Documents
    • HCVP
    • Property Management
    • Public Housing
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