Commissioner Linda Washington has been the President of Kretchmer Elderly 2-21A (NHA) for 12 years and
was recently re-elected for an additional three years. She is the CEO and Founder of the Kretchmer Mini
Resource Center, where she provides vital resources to residents, including assistance with food stamps,
cooling programs, Social Security, medical services, DMV and County IDs, rental assistance, legal
assistance, and food referrals.
Previously, Linda served as Office Manager at the NCC Resource Center for six years. She is also
the Secretary to the Essex County Senior Services Advisory Council, a member of the NJ Transit Advisory
Council (CAC), Chair of the South Ward Strong Talent Show, a member of the South Ward Environmental
Alliance, and a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board.
Ms. Washington has been honored with the Unsung Senior Award, the South Ward Community Award,
and the Gus Heningburg Foundation Award for her dedicated service.