* The Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list is currently closed. No new applications are being accepted at this time.

Contact Information for Inquiries and Program Participants

Customer Service Numbers:

  • 973-273-6208

  • 973-273-6206

  • 973-273-6242

Contact List 

Email Address Purpose
hearings@newarkha.org Inquiries related to hearings
leasing@newarkha.org Any requests related to leasing of units, including submission of RFTAs
inspections@newarkha.org Any inspections communications, particularly between NHA and CGI, the inspections contractor
portability@newarkha.org Any inquiries related to porting in or porting out of NHA
hcvphelp@newarkha.org Any general inquiries related to HCVP program. Matters will be forwarded to the appropriate staff person.
rentincrease@newarkha.org Submission and follow up of rent increase requests
S8changeofownership@newarkha.org Change of ownership requests
S8homeownership@newarkha.org Any inquiries related to homeownership

Check Waitlist Status: Waitlist Status Check

Program Overview

The Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP), also known as Section 8, is a national rental assistance program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program helps low- and moderate-income families rent housing in the private market by paying a portion of the family's rent each month. In Newark, the program is administered by the Newark Housing Authority (NHA).

Program Overview Image
NHA Responsibilities Image

NHA Responsibilities as Administrator

  • Managing daily operations with fiscal integrity and adhering to Federal rules and regulations.
  • Determining the eligibility of families and individuals for the program.
  • Inspecting housing units to ensure they meet Federal health and safety guidelines.
  • Paying the program’s portion of the rent to property owners promptly.
  • Monitoring voucher participants and property owners for compliance with program rules.

Ten Basic Steps to Program Participation

  1. Application*
  2. Eligibility Determination
  3. Applicant Briefing
  4. Issuance of a Voucher
  5. Housing Search
  6. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection
  7. Rent Reasonableness Determination
  8. Execution of Lease and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract
  9. Rent & Housing Assistance Payments
  10. Annual Recertification

*Note: The Housing Choice Voucher Program waiting list is currently closed. No new applications are being accepted at this time.

Participants' Responsibilities

  • Comply with program rules and lease terms.
  • Allow housing inspections.
  • Report changes in income and household composition.
  • Maintain the unit in good condition.
  • Cooperate with the property owner regarding necessary repairs.
  • Cooperate with NHA for initial, annual, and complaint inspections.
Participants' Responsibilities Image

Income Eligibility

Income eligibility for the Housing Choice Voucher Program is determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) based on family size. There are two main income limits used for eligibility:

  • Very Low Income Limit: 50% of the area median income.
  • Low-Income Limit: 80% of the area median income.

Generally, the very low income limit is used to determine initial eligibility, with some exceptions. HUD also sets an extremely low-income limit (30% of area median income) for income targeting, requiring that not less than 75% of families admitted from the waiting list fall under this category, with some possible HUD-approved exceptions.

1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person
Very Low Income (VLI) $45,650 $52,150 $58,650 $65,150 $70,400
30% OF Median (ELI) $27,400 $31,300 $35,200 $39,100 $42,250
Lower Income (Port) 80% $68,500 $78,250 $88,050 $97,800 $105,650

6 Person 7 Person 8 Person
Very Low Income (VLI) $75,600 $80,800 $86,000 Area Median Income
30% OF Median (ELI) $45,400 $48,500 $52,720
Lower Income (Port) 80% $113,450 $121,300 $129,100 $130,300
Income Eligibility Image

Payment Standards

Unit Type Maximum Rent
Studio/Efficiency $1,706
1 Bedroom $1,944
2 Bedroom $2,354
3 Bedroom $2,964
4 Bedroom $3,371
5 Bedroom $3,876
6 Bedroom $4,382

For more information or assistance, visit the Newark Housing Authority website.